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Vision and Values

Our 6 values are:

Respect • Kindness • Perseverance • Responsibility • Curiosity • Equality

These values are taught and reinforced in school through assemblies, circle times and songs. They are regularly referred to and reinforced by all adults in our daily routines and values role models are celebrated and rewarded in weekly celebration assemblies.   

Our values are special to us as they were  chosen in collaboration with parents, pupils and staff. They complement our work on teaching the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, which are also embedded within our PSHE curriculum and reinforced in assemblies.

Our Ethos

Our ethos is based on highly committed and valued staff working with parents in partnership to ensure Barton Park Primary School is a school where:

  • Outstanding teaching and learning through flexible teaching methods ensure all pupils reach the high levels of educational progress we expect.
  • An awareness of self, community and global issues fosters responsible behaviour with respect for all.
  • Our caring ethos supports the development of positive relationships with all being equally valued so they in turn treat all with respect and understanding.
  • A culture of challenge and high expectations is promoted to maximise every child’s successful next steps onto secondary school.
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