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Subject Intent

A high-quality history education provides pupils with a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

It should inspire curiosity and equip children to generate perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

Our pupils have a strong understanding of chronology and can confidently make connections across local, British and world history. They can generate critical and historically- valid questions about the past and suggest how to find the answers. They can efficiently and effectively use an increasingly wide range of stories and sources and can weigh, sift, select and organise relevant information. The Barton Park Historian has a strong grasp of the correct historical vocabulary and can apply this to communicate historically in a range of ways.

In our school:

  • We use the sonar materials to ensure progression of skills and knowledge and subject specific vocabulary,, and teachers use their own planning to teach the National Curriculum programme of study. 
  • Purposeful, engaging learning opportunities  encourage the development of historical understanding
  • Each year group participates in a Historical workshop, visit or experiences a hands-on resource box in order to bring Historical study to life.
  • To enrich study and support development of skills and understanding, we have 3  ‘golden threads ’that wind through all our history topics: 
    • Where does this period of history come in our timeline?  (Chronology)
    • What was it like to be a child in this period of history? (Empathy and case studies; continuity and change).
    • What did this period of history do for us? (Significance; causation/cause & consequence)
  • Each history topic begins with a question which drives independent investigation and encourages our historians to be curious. 
  • Objectives across all strands are revisited and embedded within and across year groups and key stages to ensure cumulative fluency. 
  • We recognise that we are based in an area rich with history.  We ensure all our pupils have access to this cultural capital through our trips and visits, showcasing the history within our own local area of Barton and Headington as well as the city of Oxford itself. 
Subject Lead: Sarah Buchanan
Subject Documents Date  
Whole School Curriculum Map History 1 15th Jul 2024 Download
Copy of History at a Glance 15th Aug 2024 Download
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